I have been reading updates from this blog that chronicles a mom's recent
trip to Africa to visit her sponsored child. Her stories and photos have
brought me to tears, as has this music video by Sara Groves.
Ultimately, it has caused our family to consider sponsoring a child.
We checked out the website and discovered a little boy who has
the same birth date (day and age!) as Elisha. We feel this is a great
opportunity to teach our kids about sacrifice, sharing, and compassion.
A reader on Shannon's blog left this comment, and it really resonates
with where I am right now: seeing needs and struggling to discern
what my specific role is in meeting those needs.
"Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention
to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances,
are brought into closer connection with you."- St. Augustine of Hippo
How do you respond to the overwhelming needs you see?
Do you have words of wisdom
concerning balance and discernment?