Thursday, October 25, 2012


Seven week three has continued into week four.

Once I started purging, I just couldn't stop: bookshelves, closets,, sheets, blankets, magazines, books, dishes, college notebooks, bags, hats, puzzles.

I have an entire corner of my living room piled with boxes and bags of donations.

God has connected some of my stuff with people who can use it, but there is so much more that still needs to find a home. I'm excited to keep searching for people who need these items.

But, look what I found during this process...

That's right.


Empty space.

Shelves that were crammed with books have extra room.

Closets that had boxes stacked under the hanging clothes have nothing on the floor.

I have written before about margin, and that is what is now reflected in our home: blank space around the edges. Room to breathe.

I love the way it looks.

But I love the way it feels even more.

1 comment:

Deven said...

Love the edited look. I'll be doing that as we're moving into our new space in a few weeks.