Friday, March 17, 2006

Nonverbal Communication

You don't have to be around a baby for long to discover that
an expression can definitely make up for a lack of verbal skills.
For instance, Madelyn's thoughts on bathtime:

"Now this is the life...sleeping...dreaming..."

"Is it just me or are my clothes disappearing?
Not now, I was just entering REM."

"Alright, I'm awake. Someone had better
have a good reason for waking me up!"

"What's this? Mom is rubbing my head...I could get use to this."

"I'm not sure it was worth it, but at least I'm clean for now."


Robin said...

How precious and perfectly captioned! She is so expressive!

Marcelo and Laura said...

Jim and Jaena,
Hey, it's Laura. Your new little one is adorable. Hopefully some day Marcelo and I will have one of our own. Can't wait. Hope you all are doing well.

Woodcock family said...

She looks like she is gaining some weight!

Unknown said...

I'm so impressed she knows about REM! Y'all have taught her well at a young age!

Char said...

Ah, yes. Skeptical to the very end.

tricia said...

So good to hear from you and learn about the precious new addition to your family. Love the pics! James and I will be in town June 4 &5 and would love to see you. My e-mail is Congratulations on the beautiful new little one :-)

Unknown said...

I just found your blog. What great pictures of the family. Glad to see you all are doing well.