Friday, August 25, 2006

Margins 2

This is just a resource I have heard of that relates to the idea of margin. Actually, I heard this author on Focus on the Family and was intrigued by the idea. He talked about how Jesus modeled margin in His life: he took time away and left crowds before everyone was healed...almost as if He was leaving a job unfinished.

I think this might be a good book for our Sunday School class to use for a few months. Maybe I can suggest it to the teacher. :)

Anyone heard of it or read it?


Char said...

Sounds like a must-read.

(It's so much fun to be the first person to comment!)

Joel said...

Hey Jaena,

Kurt Stevens says he read this a few years ago and really enjoyed it. He says:

"I loved Margin. Full of interesting tidbits. Some I have recommended it to have found it tedious. It's been updated, and I haven't read the newer version, but I liked the original (I think it was published in 1992, so many of the stats were horribly outdated when I read the book in Feb. 03)."

So . . . there you go. A secondhand recommendation.

Missy said...

Love the idea! I hear the word "margin" a lot lately. I would be very interested in this book. Definately think we should discuss it with the SS class. I've heard you have a lot of pull with the teacher. :)

jenny marvin mealy said...

I think I need to fllow pastor Judy's lead and get a Bible with wide margins!

Unknown said...

I have not heard of it, but I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion. I recently joined a book club (not that I have time to read for fun anymore) so thanks for the suggestion.
Hope you are well!

Terhune Family said...

I found your blog through Keetha's :) I should be packing and getting ready for my trip to NY... My doctor actually "prescribed" this book for me to read while I was teaching full-time before Rachel was born. It is EXCELLENT!! I also have the "Overload Syndrome" and a little devotional by him. It can be a little tedious, but it's good information that we all need to hear (and put into practice!).

Toevs said...

I have never heard of the book... sounds interesting.

Thanks for leaving comments Jaena. You are so good about that.

Looking forward to future blog exchanges. :-)