Thursday, October 25, 2007

Over the Hump

It looks like mom has made it "over the hump" so to speak. She has been able to eat (and feed herself) and is slowly working on physical skills that she will need to come home: getting out of bed, standing, walking, etc... The days she spent in bed really took a toll on her stamina; just getting out of bed and walking 100 feet can take 30 minutes and leave her exhausted. But she is making progress, and for that we are so thankful. There is even talk of her moving to the rehabilitation center (located on second floor at MGH) tomorrow to stay for several days and have specific occupational therapy.

We (mom and I) watched a video today about care for her stoma. The woman on it had had a stoma for over ten years. It made me thankful that this is a temporary situation for mom and that, according to the nurse at the hospital, about the time she becomes an expert at changing the bag and all, she will have the surgery to reconnect everything. We hope that by the beginning of 2008, mom will returning to her "normal" life...or maybe her "new normal."

I'll try to post news over the weekend; especially if she gets to move. Thanks for uplifting us in prayer. It makes a difference!


. said...

Yaaay, God! Yaaay, Mom! Yaaay, Jaena!

Glad to hear your mom's over the hump! Sometimes, the hump seems more like a mountain!

Remember, you still know my number!

Char said...

Glad for this good news.

Toevs said...

Glad things are on the up swing!

Amy said...

Congratulations on the baby! I haven't been staying up with the back-home news. :)

I'm glad your mom's doing better. I haven't posted, but I have been following her progress.

And, per your request, I posted 'my' pumpkin pancake recipe. I hope you enjoy them!