Thursday, May 11, 2006

American I-Don't-Believe-It!

I was at a meeting today when I heard the news...Chris was voted off of American Idol! I thought I must have heard incorrectly; but alas, it was no mistake: Chris is gone.
Not that we follow the show religiously or anything. But the few times we have watched, Jim and I both agreed that Chris was pretty amazing. He was the only contestant who already had the sound, look, and stage presence of a professional (in my opinion.)
I saw the recap of the Elvis songs Tuesday night and was surprised that Katherine wasn't voted off. Maybe people figured Chris was good enough to get a recording contract without winning...or that he was obviously staying, so they didn't have to worry about their vote affecting him.
Whatever the reason, I for one am surprised and sorry to see him go.


Kelley said...

I sat with my jaw gaping open for a good 30 seconds. I was floored. America got it wrong this time. Guess I should have voted.

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

I would love to take some stats of how many blogs across America had the same entries- SHOCK AND DISGUST!!!! I've already posted my opinions on various other blogs, so I'll spare you the rhetoric.

tricia said...

Hey Jaena,
Chris was my favorite. Here in the ATL, many were saying he was going to get voted off because a lot of people say he sounds the same everytime. Either way, he'll have a more successful career in the real music world than the rest of them!
James and I will be in Marion June 4-6. We'd love to see you and family!

Jeannie said...

Hey Jaena! Thanks for your comment, it's great to see your kiddos and pictures. I like going to your blog so I can sigh at this lovely picture of Chris D. :) I didn't watch the finale shows, but heard they were pretty nasty.

Good to hear from you!