Thursday, July 13, 2006


Lately, I have been noticing several posts that have random thoughts, random lists, or random pictures. So, in keeping with this recent theme (or non-theme, actually), I have posted a variety of pictures that have been in my camera waiting for their day to come. Enjoy!

The kids decided to play in the wet sand (which became mud)
during one of our recent camping trips. As you can imagine,
all of the adults were "threatening" them not to touch us. :-)

Camping Out: Maddie and her morning cup of coffee

Christmas in July: Elisha and his new (rummage sale) kitchen.
He had been "cooking" using plastic lids for pretend stove burners.

Christian soldiers need rest too.

I just like this picture.

People say they look alike...what do you think?


TheGaffords said...

Same eyes, I think.

Unknown said...

It's safe to say, they very much look alike...they're such cuties.

Kelley said...

Cute pictures! Yes, they look alot alike.

jenny marvin mealy said...

They look very much alike and very much like their cute parents-you have such cute kids you guys should just have 4 or 5 more! hehehehe

Deb said...

Those Rowley kids led my child astray in the sand (okay, just kidding, I saw Elizabeth at the water fountain - I thought she was just getting a drink, but after seeing the kids, I realized she was getting water for the sand.) Also, I think the kids look even more alike in person than in the pictures.

Hummel Family said...

Oh yes, they look alike! and WOW, I never realized how much they resemble both you and Jim!

Char said...


I understand about the travel part. There are some things a parent just can't control - like a screaming baby who's tired of a car seat.