Friday, May 09, 2008

He's a Soy Boy

I could tell by the tone of the nurse's voice that she did not have good news. Josiah does have "Dg" and will need to continue on soy formula. It's a relief to know but pretty disappointing, maybe more so since I was hopeful (or in denial) that he was only a carrier.

At least we know, and I will be able to slowly stop pumping, which will be nice. I'm creating a list of the positives of bottle feeding; feel free to leave a comment with your own "pro" (no "cons," please or I'll cry...more).

Bottle feeding is nice because...
*Jim can share feeding responsibility (especially at nighttime!)
*We can leave Josiah and go out for a long date without worrying about time.
*No one stares at you when you feed your baby (although it didn't bother me to nurse discreetly in public).

I'm sure there are more; I'll update later.


Renee said...

I am sorry to hear about the test results but I am sure everything will be fine. It will be nice to have Jim helping feed him at night!

Char said...

1. Soy is a cool fad. Look at all the soy products on the supermarket shelves that weren't there five years ago.
2. Soy Lattes are all the rage.
3. Dg babies are usually able to tolerate a little milk later in life.
4. They put calcium in everything now - from drinking water to orange juice.

P.S. Don't offer him Weight Watcher's soy cheescakes - they taste like soapsuds.

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm sorry this was the way it turned out. I can relate to your sadness about stopping nursing.

Here's my "Pro" about bottle feeding - - -

Now you can use some of those cutsie designer bottles!!!

B,P,R,S & L said...

This one was a pro for me:

It doesn't hurt when I shower anymore.

I was so sensitive to the water.

Renee said...

Sorry you didn't get the results that you were hoping for!

My "pro" - (I like all of Char's!)

- No LEAKING! Ugh...hate that:)

Deven said...

Perhaps...being able to sit through a church service without leaving to nurse or being able to leave the baby in the nursery without having to go feed.

Char said...

Oh, I know - not having your milk let down when you hear someone else's baby crying in the supermarket!

. said...

No sharing thrush back and forth from him to you to him to....

. said...

Ooh, got another! (from personal experience)

When he's an older baby, he won't decide he's hungry while you're out somewhere and try to unbutton/pull up your top in public!

Bekah said...

Jaena, since I don't have kids, I don't have a pro for you, but I'm very glad you're compiling this list, because I plan to take copious notes for if/when I ever have kids. I've already decided they'll be bottle fed, and I'm also already receiving some lectures about that from my friends. So now I have all these great things to share about why it's okay!

I know he'll do great with his baby soy lattes. :) And you'll really enjoy those extra minutes of sleep when it's Jim's turn to take the night shift! :)

Char said...

Hey Bekah, It's always o.k. for the mother to make a choice to bottle feed - don't let people intimidate you with their own preferences.

A word of caution, though. You may feel differently when you actually get to the point of making that decision! ;^)

Shannon said...

Less sagage. : )

Amy R. said...

A huge pro for me was that I didn't have to wear a nursing bra 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jaena...

Found your blog through Ronda's.

Bottle feeding pro... your husband gets more time with the kid... and HE will feel more bonded with him and useful.

Yay for daddies!

Unknown said...

I'm skeptical of the claims that bottle fed infants have significantly more health issues. I think there are too many other factors involved in an infant's life to determine whether or not bottle feeding is the cause of ear infections, and I have breast and bottle fed all three boys for varying lengths of time and no one is any healthier or sicker than anyone else. In fact, the one that was breast fed longest actually gets sick most often.

Pro- you'll be able to relate to other women who can't breast feed for various reasons

Toevs said...

If you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of a feeding, you can have someone else feed him while you go... no sitting on the toilet while nursing. (Yes, I have done that!)

No mastitis!

No waking up in the middle of the night feeling painfully engorged!

I'll add more as I think of them, I am sure.

Unknown said...

I think it is great that Jim will be able to help with the feeding-BIG pro! ANother is no embarrassing leaking in public places (I don't think this from experience since I haven't had kids yet, but I hear it's not fun).

Unknown said...

Jaena-I can't give you any pros, having never been there before.

However on my main blog, I dove into the breastfed vs formula fed topic. I did so primarily because I was told that "bottle fed babies are dumber than breast fed babies," and as a bottle fed baby, I was offended.

If you're interested, my thoughts on the topic are here: