Saturday, May 17, 2008


Thanks for all of your comments and positives regarding bottle feeding. It's interesting because despite all of the conveniences and reasons to embrace it, I find myself grieving what I cannot have with Josiah. I think it feels like even more of a loss because I know what I'm missing (with Elisha I knew nothing different) and what I'm "in for" with bottles, formula, and spit up smell.

I am learning that, no matter what the issue, loss is loss. It is healthy - even necessary - for a person to grieve: whether it be an unrealized expectation (nursing your newborn), a failed relationship, or some other loss.

I have also realized that in many situations, given time, my perspective can change. Events that at first might seem negative can eventually be seen as a blessing.

We have found this to be true with job transitions. Hurt, fear and anger give way to peace, hope and joy as God reveals a new place of ministry or work.


I think of of my recent labor experience. Intense pain that threatens to overwhelm but instead produces new life: sweet, warm, and precious.


God reminds me that that my 2 children have this and not this like this dear family recently discovered.


I hold my tiny newborn in my arms and breathe a prayer of thanks as this young woman mourns the baby she barely knew.


Jenni, gifted writer and mother of 12(!) shared her reformed perspective about newborns in this amazing post that - surprise! - made me cry (those silly hormones) and I thank God for the privilege of holding a baby again and knowing the miracle of life.

And once again, my perspective changes and I realize that being a mom (bottles and all) is a great place to be.


Keetha Broyles said...

Lovely touching post, Jaena!!

Char said...

Thanks so much for your thoughts, Jaena.

Now, another picture of the precious boy!

Char said...

I came back and read some of these stories. How heartbreaking! It shows me how little I understand of other's pain. These individuals and their stories are truly an inspiration.

Robin said...

Beautifully written, and even more beautiful thoughts. Thank you!

Trace-n-the-Grace said...

Dear Jaena,
I found your blog through Marcia. (I actually went to IWU with your brother, Joel). I have really enjoyed your "perspective". I'm a long-time listener, first time caller. Thank you for sharing. It means more than you realize.